Tuesday, January 14, 2014

TA4MC If you want to be successful in life and in some ways in business, Passion has to come first.

Yes me in the Metallica T-Shirt. I wish I still had some of those old shirts.

Passion it's what drives us. It gives you a reason to wake up,to work a horrible 9-5 so you can follow that passion. When I was 15 it became music and martial arts. The three gents up there were also passionate about guitars we attended the National Summer Guitar Workshop. NGSW. for short. Sad to hear the camp I grew up in and had some great teenager memories is now bankrupt but that is how life goes. Why go to camp when you can learn on-line. I'll tell you why community and a connection to people who share the same passion as you do. FYI a lot of links, zero affiliates.

Many of my friends on Facebook have a passion some are real close friends like my friend Phil his passion for role playing, board and card games have lead to a second career as a writer and speaker on the topic of being a better Game Master.

A member of my High school Class Jeremy who has taken the lessons he has learned about losing weight and maintaining a healthy life style and now coaches others.

Ted, you only see 2/3 of him with the black hair. From shredding guitar to Juggling and, Fire breathing ,He now is the creative manager for one of the elite nightclubs in the world.

My Aunt Debbie who has been a pillar of the weight loss industry and a counselor for 25 years with Weight Watchers and now wants to help people look as good as they feel.

My College friend Jason who's love for history, heritage and a home town field made create a documentary of the Village of Youngstown NY. Hometown Pride USA.

What they all have in common is the passion came first. It has to Everyone here had a reason to lose weight, write a book, play music, make movies. Some did it and hoped financial success would follow. Others just did it and became leaders of what Marketing Guru Seth Godin say's is there tribe.  But the point is Passion has to come first. At age 15 I wanted to play guitar. At age 41 I ask my self the question did I want to play guitar to play guitar.Or did I want to play guitar to look cool and get girls. I still play guitar and I can tell you I got a lot more pleasure teaching students how to play vs. any of the girls I met in any nightclub or bar I played in. When I taught I hoped most if not all of my guitar students saw my passion for both music and their success.

TA4MC  If you want to be successful in life and in some ways in business, Passion has to come first. 

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