Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Enjoy Every No Because It's A Step Closer to Yes!

"No!" You can not have a cup of my coffee. 

I spend my days often hearing "No"! Part of my job is to make sales calls to previous clients inviting them back for their annual eye exam. Today I made 43 calls and got one yes. The standard for what I do or cold calling is 1 yes in 10 calls  and getting those odds  is because they are a previous customer. I sit on an uncomfortable stool that gives me low back pain daily and hear "no" twenty, forty and on my best day one hundred times in one day. Waiting for a " yes"

The reality is now I'm just a cog in a corporate machine but when I do this I gain experience and confidence in every no. I plan to be an entrepreneur and when I have my own business I have to learn to be comfortable to "Nos". People who may be close friends, or family may never buy my products or services. Worse they may not support me in my ideas or plans but with that negative response you have to to build a wall of confidence and experience. Each no comes with a lesson and you have to learn from it.

Find your passion learn how to support your self with it and share that passion with everyone who will benefit from it. If the world see's it is sincere it will be like a gravitational pull bring everyone closer to you.
As you try to spread the word of your passion many will say no but you will get closer to a yes with every no.

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