Friday, January 24, 2014

Parental-Do. A Bakers Dozen of Difficult Subjects to Think About Now More Than Later.

From my Black Belt Test. 

I am not a black belt in parenting. Maybe a yellow or Orange belt. But no master. We all have the choice of being proactive or reactive. As in the game of chess we have to sometimes think 3 moves ahead. Other times we have to be the Aikido Master and keep your center and react with energy equal to the energy we receive. As the parent of a 3 year old child, I have been thinking about the hard topics parents have to discuss with their children. Lately I have seen many commercials trying to help parents talk to their kids about topics such as texting while driving, prescription drug abuse, what to post and not post on the internet. It made me think about what do I need to prepare to talk to my child about. 

  1. Death
  2. Love
  3. Family
  4. Money
  5. Faith/religion
  6. Education
  7. Drugs/Alcohol
  8. Relationships
  9. Media
  10. Passion
  11. Dating/Marriage
  12. Health
  13. Entrepreneurship
My list is probably not complete so please add to the comments any subjects I may have missed.

TA4MC You can plan ahead and be ready or be centered and react. If you do not have a plan or you are off balance it will not work. 

Commend, Comment, Discuss, Complain. but never be silent. 


  1. The hardest thing I've had to talk to my children about, to date, is divorce. Not a pleasant subject, but sometimes necessary.

    1. Thank you for your comments. Did you brass tax it or did you try a soft approach?

  2. Thanks for your input. What advice would you give to parents on how to talk about the subject.

  3. I just jumped right in and told it like it was. It's not a pretty subject, therefore, talking about it shouldn't be sugar coated. It has been 3 1/2 years and we still continue to discuss it more in depth as they get older. I think that being brutally honest with them helps them accept it better and move forward.
