Monday, January 13, 2014

TA4MC Change the approach and change the results.

Tunnel Vision on your goal can always bind you from what you need to see to achieve it. 
As a parent,teacher and manager in business. I am always trying to achieve a result: get my child to go to sleep, have kids study, reach a higher sales goal. The result is always a reflection of a change in behavior. Many times it is a form of experimentation or worse try, fail and try again. To avoid the aggravation try something different. After analyzing what you do do that is not working try this.

1. If you find yourself always screaming. try whispering with intense eye to eye contact.
2. If you find yourself saying no, try giving two alternative choices.
3 If you find yourself using negative vocabulary learn to re-frame your words in a positive way.
4. If you find yourself unhappy ask what would really have to change them or you?
5.If you find yourself, be happy most people don't. 

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