Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Dealign with anger. Keeping cool when it gets under your skin .

For those that know me personally, Depending on the day I have a long fuse but When I blow up. I usually regret it. I have had  those moments where it was better to punch a wall or other non living thing before I went to jail for cracking someone's skull or putting them in a rear naked choke until their face turned purple.

I was not always like this as a young child, I ended up in the principal's office many times. My buttons were easy to push. I was fat, and tall an easy target, If I fought back I got in trouble because I was bigger and if I hit you, you went down.  Comments about my parents were always under attack for no good reason. I didn't take to name calling very well and would chase and due to being slow would unable to catch the kids making fun of me so I would have to blind side them at lunch or trip them in line. Then little brothers get big brothers and fights or all out attacks would then take place. 

I got angry and frustrated a lot sometimes that anger was passed along to angst with parents or family members. People hurt me so I wanted something to hurt and that's just wrong. So reflecting here's are a few ways to deal with anger.

Martial arts. Thank you  Bruce lee and Sensei Bobby Lamattina.  Find an exercise that you love. I wanted to hit and Punching and kicking bags was and still is my favorite release. It also was a form of meditation.

Reading. Getting into a good book can calm and settle a racing mind. I find this is also good late at night when you can not sleep.

Laughing. Watch a favorite funny movie, read a book of jokes.

Talk to a friend outside of the problem. Great friends will always be there to listen and may give you and outside point of view.

Write. Get every thought of your mind and on paper. Do not worry about spelling or grammar. 

Walk. Take a good walk away from the problem. If they give chase. Then go back to the martial arts.

TA4MC. Anger and holding feelings in  is never the solution to the problem active action to a solution or resolution is.

Stay cool. Sean.

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