Friday, October 2, 2015

The last year Separated, Battled and Getting Back Up.

So I  apologize! I wanted to do so much more with this Blog and  I set some goals last year and they were pretty much writing  more on this blog about my daily lessons learned and some humor in the stories on being a dad, but something happens and I became depressed and side tracked.
My wife left me and we are now separated and getting divorced. I am not going into details why but from November 1st 2014 to now, I have gone though a custody battle and I am still in the middle of a divorce that is almost done.
I had fallen hard. All the things you think about. How will I  raise my child when I have custody? What will the courts do? When will I see her?  What is being said? Etc etc etc.

I was very lucky. I have many close friends who went through this as well as a good lawyer. It's never perfect but I can say my time with my daughter is more valuable than ever before and it's better and more focused than ever before. 

She is five now and we have a good relationship. We have our moments as all parents and kids do. We butt heads but I always make sure every lesson or correction ends with I love you.

I still believe  their is a place for this blog and one day I'll keep a better pace. It's like falling off any discipline. You know how to ride a bike or throw a side kick  but when  you just have to get up, knock  the dust off and  get back to work.

My daughter is teaching me this now. Over the last three weeks she has started a beginning ice skating course. She fell down a lot the first lesson. About eight times. On her second lesson she only fell down three. On her third lesson she only fell down twice and her teacher says next time she doesn't get the use the walker.
As a dad, seeing her smile  and succeeding is just and awesome and the lesson learned  is no matter how long it takes, Get Back Up!
#TA4MC Teach your dad more.