Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Parental Do #1 Focusing on Life. Even in the eyes of Death.

It's OK to Celebrate A Life 

This company's video that may surprise you will show you they know how to celebrate life! Watch this story about

 Conan The Crusher.

My day began with my daughter waking me up early. She is very much like me in the sense that when the sun hits her eyes no matter how little sleep she got, she wakes up. She usually demands that I come into her room, make her dolls talk and then begins the process of following me around until I put her Disney Channel cartoons on. This morning was something different. She grabbed one of the many baby dolls she had and said, " I'm going to bring this to Grammy and I hope it makes her feel better" Grammy is her term of endearment for her great grandmother, my grandmother who passed away a few weeks ago

My daughter attended the funeral but in the mind of a three year old she still had something I wished I had which was hope. 

She is being raised Christian by her mother and I am being supportive even though I have no religious affiliation. My ties with religion are complicated but I believe in respect for all religions as so I tried to explained that Grammy was with god and free to do whatever she wanted.

I told her a story about how her Grammy before she made quilts made cakes and decorated them and one year she made me a Batman cake for Christmas and put a Santa hat on Batman's Cowl. The cake was served to all of us kids on Christmas Eve. Cake is always a good topic for most kids. 

So in reflection my advice is to:

  1. Be honest. Grammy was dead and nothing was going to change that.
  2. Reinforce her faith. Do this in whatever way you worship or do not. 
  3. Reflect on good times and stories and share something she may not know about her great grandmother.
  4. Keep the door open for more questions and conversation. Mourning and Grieving has to take place, tears may have to be shed years from the death taking place.

A Discussion for readers :

Dealing with your kids and death changes as you get older and the stronger the bond the deeper the loss. o you think this strategy would work with kids of an older age? Is there something you would or would not talk about? Please comment below and share your thoughts on how I handled the conversation.

Looking forward to your comments below.
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